art gallery fabrics
Vote for Your Favorite Project! Makers’ Call: Block Edition Part 2
A Feel-Good Fabric Collection: Onward + Upward by Jessica Swift

THE FINALE! Makers’ Call: Block Edition


Hello, Makers! 

We’re so excited and thankful for everyone that participated and made #AGFNationalSewingMonth such a fun event! Last week we asked you to vote for your favorite project on all our social media platforms, to choose between a “Lunch Bag,” “Table Runner,” and a “Throw Pillow.” After tallying up your votes (it was such a close call,) the winning project is… The TABLE RUNNER! 

Pretty fabrics always take projects to the next level, so we were so excited that this curated group made it to the final project. Check out all the fabric prints we used for this project below.

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Our Tinted Blooms print from our Luna & Laurel collection.

Sharon Holland’s India Ink Parchment and Kantha Mica prints from her collection Kismet.

Pat Bravo’s Flecks Dream” from her collection Legendary

Our Brushed Fibers from our Soften The Volume collection.

Prisma Elements in Dusk Zircon. 

Decostitch Elements in Cafe Latte.

Pure Solids in Zambia Stone.

This is the part that all of you have been waiting for, the final project! This exclusive free pattern was created just for you and this event, to celebrate all the sewers, makers, quilters, and crafters. National Sewing Month goes out to all of you, and we couldn’t be more honored to finally offer what we like to call “Midnight Flowers” FREE table runner pattern that you all voted for, available right here on the blog! 



Thank you all who voted and for following along with this exciting event! The fun isn’t over yet because now it’s time to download that pattern and recreate it yourself. Make sure to let all your quilty friends know about this exciting news! We would love to see if you do and share the love, so make sure to use the hashtag #artgalleryfabrics if you post it on social media! Until next time…


Happy sewing! 


