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The Mystical World of Luna & Laurel

AGF Collection Reveals: 2021 Part 1


With a new year, comes new collections! What better way to start 2021 than with some exciting news. We are thankful and proud to have this opportunity to continue bringing you original designs & beautiful fabric collections. We are pleased to show you the fruits of our labor and bring you what AGF and our designers have in store for you in OUR NEXT ROUND OF COLLECTIONS! Just in case you didn’t get to see it on social media, here’s a quick rundown of what’s being released. 

Available January 2021


Velvet by Amy Sinibaldi 

Soften the volumeSoften The Volume by AGF Studio 

PuresPURE Solids (New Colors) by AGF

KnitsKnit Solids (New Colors) by AGF


Available February 2021

LilliputLilliput by Sharon Holland 

AndinaAndina by AGF Studio

DecoDecostitch Elements (New Colors) by AGF


Available March 2021

Oh woofOh, Woof! by Jessica Swift

Open heartOpen Heart by Maureen Cracknell 


Available April 2021

SunburstSunburst by AGF Studio

BoscageBoscage by Katarina Roccella 

For more details on availability, prints, and upcoming free patterns, check out our “New AGF Collections Jan-Apr 2021” below! 

For more of an up-close look, check out our video below so you can see new fabric groups in detail. All you have to is do is click play, sit back, and enjoy! 

We are excited to start the new year with lots of hope, dreams, and desires to create something beautiful every day! In our constant search to create the most unique textile designs with the best quality in the industry, for our team of creative minds, the sky's the limit! Whatever 2021 brings our way, we can always rely on this amazing sewing community, and we can’t wait to see all of you sewing with these new collections soon. What collection are you excited about?


Happy Sewing!

- Jannelle
