Learn Three Furoshiki Japanese Fabric Wrapping Techniques - Zero Waste Gift Giving
October 29, 2020
Hello Fabric Friends,
I am smiling ear to ear because winter came early this year in Minnesota! Snow was already on the ground with there still being two weeks left in October! Though I am not enjoying the uncomfortably cold temps I am getting into the holiday spirit which means it’s time to start getting ready for the gift giving season if you haven’t started already! Though I don’t do as much as I would like, I always make a few handmade gifts for my friends and family each year! I recently learned about Furoshiki, which is the art of Japanese fabric wrapping.
Fabric Used: Cozy and Joyful Rayon- Candied Roses
I was so excited about the idea of wrapping my handmade gifts with fabric because not only is it eco friendly but it also creates the most gorgeous and elegant presents. The person you are gifting the present to will be impressed by your wrapping skills and can reuse it in so many ways. In the Fabric Wrapping video I created I show you three ways I will be reusing my fabric wraps.
You can use a wide variety of fabrics as your fabric wrap, besides for our AGF Rayons I would definitely give our quilting cottons a try as well! I was amazed by the way our AGF Rayon draped and tied so beautifully. No more traditional paper fabric wrapping for me. I was never very good at it anyways and clean up in Christmas Eve will be so much easier! :)
Fabrics Used: Trouvaille Rayon - Posy Blaze
Watch my video to learn three different ways to wrap your gifts this year! Let me know which one is your favorite and how you would reuse your fabric wrap!
Fabrics Used: Cozy and Joyful Rayon- Plaid of my Dreams
Happy Sewing ,