Hi Makers,
Hope you're all enjoying 2019, so far!
This year, we're planning BIG things here at AGF and super excited to share all of them with you, these next couple months! With that, I'd like to announce that our AGF family is getting a little bigger and I'd like to introduce you to our newest designer - Alexandra Bordallo! Currently residing with her husband and young son in Spain, Alexandra's whimsical style caught our eye, and we just knew she had to be part of our talented team.
Here's a little interview I did with her, so you can get to know her a little better and hear about her background!

1. Can you describe your creative path and what brings you to where you are today?
As a kid, I enjoyed making woven bracelets with my friends and I took painting and piano classes. When I was age 15, I bought my first sewing machine. I’m always trying to challenge myself to learn new sewing and quilting skills. I also have a knitting, crochet and embroidery obsession which also are my favorite fall and winter activities.
Being a mom has changed my perspective in every way. When my son was born, I wanted to spend all my time with him. I was working part time as a social worker and selling my sewing creations on my Etsy shop. I built my sewing brand and was sharing my creations on my Instagram account, just for fun. My love for sewing and fabrics are the reason why I started to learn how to draw and design repeating patterns. In September 2015, I took my first surface design course. I've been learning so much by following Bonnie Christine’s Skillshare classes! She’s an amazing teacher and her advice encouraged me to follow my dream. I started drawing and designing repeat patterns all the time.
I focused all my energies into only one industry and started calling myself a fabric designer. I keep learning and practicing. I often work late nights just to finish a repeating pattern or draw some new sketches for future designs. After five years of hard work with a few ups and downs, my dream finally came true and I can't wait to sew with my own fabrics soon.
2. Describe your design style.
It’s a tough question. I think my work is constantly evolving and I like to experiment with new drawing techniques and materials. My style often includes hand drawn inky lines, naïve motifs, quirky sketches inspired by nature and everyday objects.
3. How do you find inspiration and organize it?
Inspiration comes from people around us, feelings and experiences. I love being outside in nature with my family, reading books with my son, listening to music and taking photos as future inspiration. I start with an idea or object to draw as reference. When I do not know what to draw, I often draw flowers and from there everything begins to flow again. All my designs start with hand drawing in my sketchbook. When I have a bunch of sketches I am happy with, I scan them and start coloring in Adobe Illustrator, building the repeating pattern. I can spend hours recoloring a design. Color is everything!
4. When you're about to sit down and begin designing, do you have a certain ritual you have to do in order to begin your creative process?
I need to wear comfortable clothes, a pair of leggings and a big t-shirt. I have some nail polish on my desk and I often find myself painting my nails when I feel overwhelmed. Recently, I decided to draw directly with ink pen into my sketchbook to avoid my stupid perfectionism voice and just draw without thinking too much.
5. My spirit animal is....
A dragonfly!
6. Five things you can't live without....
My son, water, music, my sewing machine, and....my son :)
7. Do you have any goals lined up for 2019?
Last summer, I released my first sewing pattern, the #2in1summerbag and I’m writing new patterns to release with my first fabric collection. I also would love to learn how to sew garments for myself!
Please make sure to give Alexandra a warm welcome and stay tuned for more to come!
Keep creating,
- Sophia