art gallery fabrics
Month 3 Recap of the Farmer's Wife Sew Along
Half Square Triangle Love- How to Make the "Windmill" Block featuring Legendary Fabrics

A Tribute: Legendary Fabric Collection

Often when you have a creative goal in mind, you just have to begin and start somewhere. Eventually, you'll learn along the way and get better at whatever it is that you're setting out to do! There's often no mentors to ask beforehand, no check list, no guidelines...just you and that gut feeling. However, with patience, persistence, and of course practice, you can achieve anything really! I'm sure all of us can relate to this because we've all started off somewhere. Just think back to how far you've come, and take a moment to pat yourself on the back for everything you've accomplished. 

With accomplishments in mind, a great reminder of this journey is our AGF designer, Pat Bravo. She began sewing as a little girl, and overtime got into quilting and began shopping for fabrics that she wanted to use for her quilty projects. As she became more familiar with her craft and materials, she realized the type of fabrics she "craved" did not exist at the time, and decided to begin designing her own fabric. Pat knows quilting, fabric and the process that connects the two oh so well. With her latest fabric collection "Legendary," she celebrates creating 40 fabric collection in 14 years. Celebrating this milestone, she created this special edition of 24 prints to commemorate the special occasion! 


 If you LOVE anything "romantic bohemian," this collection's for you! For more elegant-inspired projects that include quilt, garment and home decor patterns, head over to our "Legendary Fabric Lookbook!"



Here's our gorgeous "Entwine Quilt" for you to enjoy, just click the below link for the FREE pattern:

Download Quilt Pattern


I've also included these blenders from our AGF Elements for you that can easily coordinate with the bohemian-inspired prints of "Legendary." Legendary_Blenders_Text

Enter a chance to WIN THIS FABRIC BUNDLE by signing up to our giveaway:



Our winner is JEANNE RESLER! Congratulations and please check your email! :)

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