art gallery fabrics
My Photo Stash - Mini Quilt (Magnificent Sunset)
Top 5 DIY Festive Pillows

Impactful Sewing - How to Make a "Double Tulip" Block

Hey There Fabric Friends,

Do you gravitate to certain color palettes when you are designing quilts? Are there colors that you haven’t quite explored yet? For me red and black are two colors that just haven’t entered it’s way into my quilty brain but with the release of AGF’s new Fusions collection Silkroad everything has changed! I had the pleasure of sewing up the Free Quilt Pattern featuring Silkroad called “Shoji”, it was such a delight and I quickly fell in love with the elegant, regal feel the colors portrayed  to me. I knew for my next block video I had to find a block worthy of these rich colors which is why I chose the “Double Tulip” Block!



There was quite a bit of piecing in this 12” block but I am excited about the outcome! Enjoy the video below and have fun  finding your favorite prints from the collection. Mine is by far the “Magnolia Study” print. The super rich red background and the hand drawn black and white blooms are sooo stunning.



Don’t forget to check out our new Lookbook filled with projects made with this romantic collection.


Happy Sewing,

