art gallery fabrics
Color Master of the Month: Clean Slate
A Tribute: Legendary Fabric Collection

Month 3 Recap of the Farmer's Wife Sew Along


Hello Makers, 

The months are flying by and we are loving every second following the journey of @misterdomestic  and @sarai_hobbies in their creation of the EPIC Farmers's Wife Sew Along hosted by Angie from GnomeAngel. Throughout the sew along she will be creating blog posts of her block with tips and tricks to put together each block. If you still want to join in on the fun head to to order all you need to create this gorgeous EPP masterpiece using the jaw dropping colors from the AGF Color Master bundles


Today I wanted to showcase the amazing work two of our lovely makers are creating! Both are so different in their approach, creating the same block but finishing with such different and unique blocks that reflect their personal style!  Check out their blocks below. 

Same-blocks -but-so-different

 Mathew's blocks are located on the left and Sarai's blocks on the right! I never appreciated the art of fussy cut as much as I do know after seeing Mathews's amazing skill in  strategically fussy cutting his pieces and putting them back together in the most powerful and impactful way! 


Here is another example of  the same block but put together in two gorgeous ways! 

 For those of you not joining the sew along but would still love to follow along make sure to search these hashtags to see what all the wonderful makers are creating each week! 





Here are some of the blocks you have missed out on seeing this month! 



Mister Domestics's blocks above. 


 Sarai's blocks above! :)

Got any neat  EPP tips and tricks you can share? I always wanted to get into EPP myself but am still a bit to afraid to give it a try. My excuse is I am not patient enough. Anyone else  have this problem? What's your excuse for not trying EPP.  See ya all back here next month to share more progress of the Farmer's Wife Sew Along! 

Happy Sewing, 


