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More Time for Sewing: Download our printable laundry guide

Hey makers!

It’s a known fact that we love sewing, fabrics and making things, but there comes that time where we have to do housework. I know, that “sewing forever, housework whenever” is a saying all sewists love but sometimes we just have to wash our quilts and handmade goods to keep them clean and cozy. While we’re at it, I guess it’s OK to do the rest of the family’s laundry…

I don’t know about you, but I take my laundry very seriously! I like to meticulously sort everything but when it comes to reading the laundry care labels, it’s like i’m reading hieroglyphics. For those of you who don’t understand those little symbols on laundry tags, I made a printable guide that you can hang in your laundry room.

Laundry care guide graphic

I figured that the faster you can do a chore like laundry, the more time you’ll have for sewing. Feel free to click the download link to print out this nifty laundry symbols guide. I hope you find it helpful. 

 Download Laundry Guide

If you're curious to know how you can wash projects made with AGF, check out this post called "All you need to know about AGF substrates." Let me know in the comments what are some of your techniques for washing your quilts and your handmade projects.


Til next time!

