art gallery fabrics
An Unconventional Fall with Wild Bloom
Endless Florals and Color- Maltese Star Tutorial

AGF Mood Monday - Creatures of Joy

Raise your hand if you're a dog person.

Raise your hand if you're a cat person. 

No fighting please! they're both awesome.

Perhaps you're both, or perhaps you're neither, but I dare to say that all of us have a favourite animal (or more than one); a creature that fills us with joy even if it's simply through a photo or a video of it (or ALL the fabric designs with it on them).

So this week we'd love to know, what's your favourite animal, and why: is it snugly, regal, striped, colourful?

To inspire you, here is a photo of Lolita Jazz, my niece the "panda," being a cool cat against a background of more pandas and cats. 

I'm a panda (and seahorse) person, so it's really cute that my sister chose this to dress up her beloved kitty. Speaking of dressing up, raise you're hand if you're excited about Halloween (meeee!).



Fabrics from Pandalicious by Katarina Roccella & Tapestry by Sharon Holland


May you start this week in a great mood,



PS: I will pass on any written compliment to Lolita Jazz.
