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How to piece half square triangles!

Desert Bloom Clutch Tutorial

Hey there makers!

I hope you’re having a wonderful day today! I must admit, a girl can never have enough bags, clutches, pouches… you name it! I feel like we always need something cute to store our notions, makeup, and anything else. When I saw this clutch in the Sage by Bari J. look book I instantly wanted it for my collection. The patchwork design mixed with denim is so stylish.


Since many makers that saw the look book fell in love with this project, one of our amazing product designers shared a tutorial on how to make it. I hope you like it!


Cutting Instructions:

Cutting instruction

Putting it all together:

Diagram 1

1. Cut the pieces of the Prickly Pear Ruby, Cactus Flora Berry and Primrose Field Light print. Place the fabrics right sides together and sew the pieces with a 1/4" seam allowance. Press the seams for a clean look.

Diagram 2

2. Fold diagonally and cut across. You should have two triangles of fabric. 

Diagram 3

3. Take the 4" x 4" square of the Baja Weave Currant print and place it face to face with the 2” x 2” Prickly Pear Indigo piece. Sew diagonally across your 2” x 2” piece to attach it to the 4” x 4.”

Diagram 4

4. Cut diagonally across your 4” x 4” piece and sew the remaining half square piece of Prickly Pear Indigo onto upper left corner.

Diagram 5

5. Sew the half square containing the three different fabrics to the half square with the Baja Weave Currant print. The final piece should resemble the image in the diagram above.

Diagram 66. Applique your 2” x 10” strip into your 5” x 10” denim piece and hand stitch. Sew both squares onto the lower corners of front denim piece.

Diagram 7

7. Attach the zipper and top-stitch both pieces and sew edges ¼” facing right sides together, then proceed to slip bag inside out.

 And voila! You're cute Desert Bloom clutch is complete!

Sage clutch


I hope you all will have fun making this stylish clutch! Let me know in the comments what other projects you've made with Sage by Bari J.


Happy sewing!

