art gallery fabrics
Make Up Brush Holder - Tutorial
Fabric Christmas tree - fun no-sew tutorial

The Denim Studio by AGF has grown!

Hello fabulous makers!

I hope you’re having a great week. We recently returned from Quilt Market in Houston and we are extremely inspired to start releasing all the upcoming collections for this season. While being at market I had the opportunity to speak to tons of business owners and makers. One thing I found in common with all of them was their adoration for the Denim Studio. This was great to hear because this substrate allows makers to think outside the box when they sew.


For this reason, we have added tons of new denim prints and a variety of textures for you to have fun with! Check them out!

Denim swatches

If you haven’t sewn with our denim yet, I highly recommend it because it’s so versatile. At first thought most people just think of jeans when they hear the word denim. But in reality you can make anything with this substrate! Check out the lookbook we’ve prepared for you featuring projects with our new denims. You’ll fall in love with all the garments, quilts, and home décor!


To view a few close ups of these yummy fabrics, get inspired with this little video. I'm completely in love with the floral pants and the unique texture of the crosshatch denim! ;)

And of course, to start sewing with all the wonderful new denims, enter the giveaway! Have a chance to win a mixed bundle of the new additions to the Denim Studio.

Graphic for blog

To enter simply fill the form below. Giveaway ends Thursday, November 10th at 3:00pm. :)


Feel free to tell us why you love the Denim Studio!


Till next time,




CONGRATULATIONS Michelle Lehman , you've won the AGF denim fabric bundle! Check your email:)

