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AGF ColorFUN - Plum - color of November


ColorFun Logo plum

We just can’t believe how fast the time passes by! Quilt Market is behind us already and we are getting ready for the full releases of Fall 2016 Collections.

It’s the beginning of November and we chose a beautiful color to be featured in this Month’s color fun series. It's plum! I think it’s my favorite color fun bundle so far. I know, I say it every time ;) But honestly plum color have something mysterious and luscious in it. When I look at the bundle I just want to grab it and make something beautiful with it.

Here are a couple of tips on how to mix & match plum with other colors.

pink- If you wish to support the red in your plum fabric combine it with light pink. It will add a girly feel to your garments.

White, ivory and grey - To achieve a natural look, mix & match it with ivory or grey fabric.

Purple - Does your plum project seem to come out too dark? Consider adding a light shades of purple to make the garment more bright.

Turquoise - believe or not - those colors look great together. Turquoise adds great contrast to plum.

Plum in Home decor

In home decor it’s better to use plum as an accent color. You can combine it with black but remember that those two colors may create a very dark effect, so consider using brighter colors.  Combined with white will create glamorous and modern interior.

Mood board on pics

Are you ready to  create beautiful plum quilts and pillows to add a little sophistication and richness to your home decor? Or maybe glamorous plum garments for yourself? Here are a few prints from some AGF fabric collections that we chose for this Color Fun episode. We hope you’ll love them!


Avantgarde by Katarina Roccella (AVG-18904 Neo-flies Dense)

Fleet and Flourish by Maureen Cracknell (FLO-8129 Expanded Aim Violet)

Heart Melodies by AGF Studio (HME-80408 Paint It Potent)

Indelible by Katarina Rocella (IDL-1223 Doiland Gloss Plum)

Nightfall by Maureen Cracknell (NTF-67900 Lunation Dark)

Playground by Amy Sinibaldi (PLG-22341 He Loves Me Plum)

Succulence by Bonnie Christine (SCC-98607 Spiny Oasis Lush)

Squared Elements by AGF Studio (SE-617 Merlot)

Wonderland by Katarina Roccella (WND-2533 Enchanted Leaves Plum)

Winged by Bonnie Christine (WNG-2020 Wingspan Fig)


Take a closer look at this selection. Have you ever sewn something with these prints? Send us the picture of your project to [email protected] and get a chance to be featured in the next blog post about plum sewing projects!

How do you like the selection. Just take a closer look at this cute bundle. It's hard not to fell in love, right?



As usual in our Colorfun blog post we give you a chance to win the bundle of fabric featured. Just fill out the form below and get a chance to win the cute bundle. Good luck!



Winner will be chosen using Giveaway ends Tuesday, November 8th at 1pm EST


CONGRATULATIONS Sandy Narayan , you've won the ColorFun plum fabric bundle! Check your email:)


