History of the sewing needle!
August 24, 2016
Hey there, fabric lovers!
I've always been curious about history. In fact, I LOVE history! As I told you before in one of my posts, what I love about history is that it keeps people thinking and it's a great subject to discuss with your friends. Today, I decided to research about where the sewing needles come from. Well, let me tell you that the history behind it is just incredible! Sewing needles, were one of humankind's first tools. They were used in the upper paleolithic period which began about 40,000 years ago.
Sewing needles were made of animal bones, antlers and tusks which made possible the extension of human settlement into cooler regions after the Ice age! This is so impressing! Imagine how smart humans were at that time that they figured out how to stitch pieces of animal fur together to protect themselves of the cold. It's very interesting how we keep changing and improving over the years! Sometimes, I ask myself what people will think about us in 200 years!
Also, did you know that the nineteenth century was the golden age of needle production? At this time needles were cheap enough to be lost in great numbers! Before, people took care of the needles like if they were precious stones or even gold. Women used to protect the needles in special cases attached to their belts. Can you believe that? Oh! And something more incredible is that in 1906, 300 million needles were purchased in the United States alone! Can you believe how many needles are sold now?
Well, I made this info graphic to make this history more exciting and more easy to understand. Enjoy!
Also, I got very curious about knowing on how sewing needles are made nowadays and I found this cool video that explains everything!
Now that you know more in depth about sewing needles. What are other things you would like to learn about the sewing world?
I hope you all enjoyed this post!
Just in case you want to know more about the history of needles, here are the pages I visited!