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Pandalicious Blog Tour Re-Cap
Sewing 101: Garment Sewing for the First Time

Tips on how to find time to sew + 5 quick sewing projects

Hello wonderful makers!

We know how hard it is sometimes to find time to sew. Between work and taking care of your family, it’s difficult sometimes to squeeze in sewing into your busy schedule. Today, we've prepared for you a list of tips to find time for sewing and a few quick sewing projects that you can make in one afternoon!

So lets start with the tips:

  • Plan realistically

 If you know that during a particular week you'll be busy with your kid's birthday party or your family is visiting, don't expect to finish a whole quilt in a few days! But remember, you can plan the process step by step. You can set a day for cutting your fabrics and you can set aside one hour a day to piece the quilt. Planning your quilts/projects will give you something to look forward to everyday.

  • Let go of the need to have all the housework done before you start sewing

Many of us want to sit at our sewing machines when other housework needs to be "done." There's even times when we make excuses about housework because finishing chores is easier than putting our creativity to work. Since housework is a never ending story, you have to prioritize! Finish the most important chores first and then run to your sewing room. Remember that if you don't make time for sewing, no one else will.

  • Learn to understand what really makes you happy

Sometimes it's easy to spend our days on "autopilot" while giving importance to things we don't care about. You might even catch yourself doing something you don't enjoy just to please someone else. When this happens, simply take a deep breath and take a moment to think about what you're doing, and what truly makes you happy. Don't be afraid to say "no" and make time for yourself because the first thing to making great things is being at peace with yourself.

  • Schedule it in

Make sure to stay organized and put sewing in your schedule. If you have a date and time dedicated to just sewing, it will be easier to start making. You don't have to do it everyday, but make sure that when it's time to sew you SEW! Think of it like a doctor's appointment, you wouldn't miss it unless you had an emergency. Even if you feel tired that day, I assure you that just a couple stitches will replace the feeling of tiredness with excitement!

  • Find a group of people with a similar passion

Gather with friends who like to sew as well. Finishing projects together will be easier and more fun. This will help everyone motivate each other and will encourage everyone to learn new sewing tricks. ;)

  • Have a dedicated sewing area

If you put away your sewing machine every time you finish a project, its harder to take it out again. Dedicate a nice sewing area in your home and make sure to keep it organized! 


To get you excited about fitting sewing into your busy schedule, we've prepared a list of quick projects for you! Click the links below to download the free patterns to projects you can sew in one afternoon! We hope you'll enjoy making these quick projects!

  1. Petalums Headwrap
  2. Handkerchief Skirt
  3. Teddy Bear Zippy Bag
  4. Panda smiles pillows
  5. Ma Petite Bag


Let us know in the comments, what makes it difficult for you to find time for sewing.  For those of you who sew often, feel free to share your tips on finding time to sew!


Happy making!

