Admire the little things with Curiosities by Jeni Baker + GIVEAWAY!!!
July 01, 2015
Hey fabric lovers,
Is it me, or the weeks are flying by? Quilt Market will be here in a blink of an eye! (YAY!!) But not without presenting all the collections for this season (I can’t seem to pick a favorite, I just love them all) This week, we are eager to present Curiosities by Jeni Baker. Her collections are bright, fresh and fun, and often reflect her bubbly personality.
CuriositiesFabrics was inspired by many small wonders in life and invites you to explore the world around you... Jeni is able to maintain her distinctive color palette with youthful, charismatic and refreshing designs. This collection is dedicated to Jeni's bunny George, who is ever curious.
We had so much fun shooting this collection because it has a vintage feel to it, yet its so modern and refreshing... Feed your inspiration buds with this lookbook, remember some projects have patterns + instructions. Feel free to share your projects with us. (WE LOVE TO SEE THEM!)
Add this "Abundance" quilt to your sewing bucket list! and share it with all of your quilting friends... Check out our other free patterns: here.
Add this Elements to blend, mix and\or match with this charismatic collection:
| Giveaway Closed |
CONGRATULATIONS to "Sarah J." on your Curiosities Bundle!
Check your email.
You can enter the give away by simply:
- Browsing the Curiosities lookbook.
- Leaving a comment below with the project you would like to make.
Giveaways ends July 8th at 3 pm EST. and the winner will be chosen using and announced on this very post.
Happy Sewing,