art gallery fabrics
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August 2014

Gramercy a New City Chic Collection + Giveaway!


Hello fabric friends,

Today we are elated to bring Leah Duncan's third collection with Art Gallery Fabrics, Gramercy.

This collection will take you directly into an urban cityscape with an elegant palette of azure, marigold & black, Gramercy captures the shimmering lights, aerial views & the circuitry underneath it all to create a metropolitan enchantment.

We will be hosting another giveaway to celebrate the release of this chic collection! It's very simple to enter, just scroll down for the contest rules!  

Here are some photos to enjoy, but don't forget to peek at the gorgeous lookbook for inspiration and patterns and a chance to win some fabric for your stash. 

















We hope you all are enjoying the city scape photos showcasing Art Gallery Fabrics versatility. Including our highest quality quilting cotton, we are also offering voile and knit substrates. We hope that these new additions will add to your creative project possibilities.   

Gramercy's color palette illustrates many elements of a busy city life. The bright pops of yellow and gold illuminating the bustling metropolitan lights and commutes by taxi are an instant reminder of the vast city. The hues of blues and floral prints give this collection a subtle indication that nature can still be found in the mist of a congested cityscape. 




With each collection, our wonderful designers get the chance to create a free quilt pattern for each collection and Leah Duncan has decided to create this sunning quilt called "Skyscraper".  To access this pattern just click here!




This creative collection will take you directly into the heart of the city lights, and rush hour traffic so, grab some coffee and explore this inspirational lookbook we have created for you all! 






Congratulations to Michelle Norrris!





Contest Closed

Winner: Michelle Norrris


Let's get to good stuff, free fabric! We've listed the details below to win a fat quarter bundle of all 20 prints, and it's super easy!

To enter:

  • Explore the Gramercy lookbook here, then comment below with the project you'd most like to make from the lookbook.
  • Giveaway ends September 3rd. 
  • Winner will be chosen using and announced on this very post. 

Get inspired with other photos and our lookbooks that are perfect to get your creative mind rolling with multiple projects including fashion, home decor, and quilting!

Thanks for stopping by the blog, and don't forget we adore seeing your projects, just tag them with #Gramercyfabrics #ArtgalleryFabrics


Happy Sewing 



Amanda Mae


Art Gallery Fabrics Fall Collection Line-Up Part 1


Hello everyone!

Today we're very happy to give you a preview of the upcoming collectiosn for Houston 2014. This new line-up is so good, we had to divide it into two parts!

We hope you enjoy watching the neat video we put together for you.


Art Gallery Fabrics Preview Houston 2014| Part 1 from Art Gallery Fabrics on Vimeo. Wildfree





We hope to have captured your imagination with fabrics that are innovative and stand out both in design and quality. More than anything we want to make your project visions and dreams come to life! Have a favorite? Ask your independent quilt and fabric shop about it!

To view the upcoming collection of [knits], head to this page. For our (voiles), click here.

Stay tuned for Pt.2!


Happy Sewing!

AGF Team

Welcome to the AGF family, Sharon Holland


Hello friends,

We are excited to introduce our newest fabric designer, Sharon Holland. She is a mother, wife, and entrepreneur.  

For over thirty years Sharon has been quilting, sewing, crafting, and creating home decor projects. She previously designed four collections for a fabric company, and appeared in numerous quilting magazines with both her textiles and quilt designs. Eventually leading her into the magazine industry as an Assistant Editor, graphic designer and photographer.  

Loving the magazine industry, Sharon explains something was still missing in her life. “Even though I am interested in knowing and working in every aspect of the quilting and sewing industry, my heart is in design—especially textile design. After two plus years as an Assistant Editor, it was time to find my artist's voice again. I set to work drawing and creating a group of prints--something I would like to sew with.”

Joining the Art Gallery Fabrics family of talented designers brings Sharon full circle, infusing her design aesthetic with the creative artistry behind Pat Bravo's credo to bring beautiful prints on quality fabric to life, Sharon states, “I feel I've come home.”


We are so excited to have Sharon in the AGF family!  We believe her fresh new design aesthetics with bring a great mix to our collections. 

Here's a video she prepared for you talking a bit about herself and a her first collection with AGF, Gossamer.







Here's a sneak peek of Gossamer and stay tuned for the full reveal tomorrow!




We hope you enjoyed getting to know more about Sharon and her amazing background.  If you want to see more of her work, check out her website here!

Tune in tomorrow for a full reveal of her collection along with a few others! 


Happy Sewing and thanks for stopping by!



Amanda Mae

Interview with Maureen Cracknell, the Creative Crafter

Hello friends,

As all of you know, Maureen Cracknell is one of our newest additions to the AGF family. She's sweet, humble, and a remarkably talented artist. Her collection for AGF Limited Edition is called Wild & Free, and is available this November.

She is a mother, wife, blogger, quilter, and lover of all things creative and handmade.

Maureen started her sewing blog about four years ago, Maureen Cracknell Handmade; a fresh, inspirational, and creative space. Fast forward two years, Maureen created a Facebook page to connect with people who have similar passions, and with enormous amount of support, today her page has grown to over eighty thousand followers.

With all of her accomplishments, she's incredibly grateful for the opportunities that have led her to where she is today, and coudn't have done it without her family!

In today's interview, she describes her new adventures as a fabric designer, and where her inspiration for Wild & Free derived from. We sincerely hope you have fun getting to know Maureen and her new collection.



Wild & Free Swatches_Bio_Pic


1). Why choose Art Gallery Fabrics to launch your first fabric collection?

From a service standpoint, Art Gallery Fabrics is one of my most favorite manufacturing companies. The unique feel and reliable quality guarantee that anything I create from pillows, bags, and quilts will all turn out comfortable and sturdy. The collection of talented AGF designers are constantly producing new gorgeous and modern fabrics that I can't wait to use in my own sewing and quilting projects. From a character standpoint, Art Gallery Fabrics is made up of the most lovely, helpful, encouraging group of creative people. It's an honor to have been asked to join their family and a real dream come true!


2). How does it feel knowing your fabrics are exclusive to the Limited Edition concept, and will only be printed once?

It's exciting and is such a wonderful opportunity to create a collection that will truly represent my own personal style!


3).  How and when did you decide fabric design was something you wanted to do yourself one day?

While growing up, drawing was my number one passion and it was always my dream to work as an illustrator of some sort. It wasn't until I became a mother that my hobbies and interests changed, and at times were put on the back-burner altogether. Then four years ago, I took up sewing and fell in love with it right away! While I created things for our home and for my children I would occasionally dream of a day when I might be able to take my past love of drawing and new love for sewing and combine them in the fabric world. That is why this opportunity is so exciting for me!


4). If you had to choose one print, which is your favorite and why?

My favorite in the group would have to be Luminous Field. It's such a great representation of my drawing style and love for color! When I draw with my children I often sketch the bouquets of wildflowers we pick from our yard, on walks, and when we go out as a family to photograph my quilts. In addition, I think this print in particular could be used for a number of things; a beautiful skirt or dress, pillows or curtains for your home, and will also play nicely with other prints or can stand on its own as a whole quilt backing. 


5).What are you hoping to translate and offer to fabric lovers with your collection?

My hope is that this collection will be fun for fabrics lovers to use in all types of sewing projects! I hope it inspires them to embark on new, creative, and fun sewing adventures which they can share with me.  


6). Which print was most challenging to create and why?

The concept and theme for my collection came to me immediately. Followed by lots of ideas and sketches for each print. I had to ask myself right away, "What would be made of these fabrics? How would I like to see them used?" Although my arrow print, Fletching Chant, was one of the first I really wanted to make happen, it was the most challenging to decide on scale, colors, orientation, spacing to maximize its versatility. Lots of editing, coloring, reediting, and recoloring was done to get it right!


7).  Explain your creative process when designing fabrics from start to finish?

Deciding on a concept was the first step, followed by gathering inspiration and lots of sketching. I spent a lot of time looking at colors, carefully choosing the story that would best embody the feel of my collection. From paper I moved to Illustrator, and thankfully had the guidance and encouragement of Pat Bravo along the way! 


8). What other designers, makers or artists do you look up to or inspire your work?

Since this collection is so personal and was directly inspired by my love for my family, our home, and this area in which I live, Potter County, PA---I have to first mention how much my children have influenced all of this. They make me want to create at the rate I do, and make me braver than I naturally am, to try new things and to push myself creatively. I want to make them proud and so I try so hard for them. Mindful of my belief that a simple, creative life is a beautiful life, I find inspiration from fellow bloggers Amanda Blake Soule of Soulemama and Alicia Paulson of Posie Gets Cozy. For sewing & fabric inspiration -- Pat Bravo, Anna Maria Horner, Allison Harris, Leah Duncan, Bonnie Christine, Jeni Baker, Holly DeGroot, I really could go on and’s endless!


9).  How does your line differ from other collections currently in the market?

As I shared above, so much of my inspiration came from this path and lifestyle I strive for that reflects a creative, free-spirited heart, so influenced by music, the landscape, photography, and my own experiences. I think because each collection tells a story and this one is uniquely mine, that alone makes it different. 


 10.) What is next for you in 2014?

Already this year has been so full, and honestly very tough with the loss of my father this June. He knew I had this amazing opportunity to design fabrics for Art Gallery Fabrics, a company I often talked so highly about, and he was thrilled for me. I hope to make him, my family, and my children proud. I plan to continue my daily makings and blogging with a focus on original quilt work, to release a few new quilt patterns, and to finish the year with my second quilt calendar.




Thanks for reading, we can't wait to see all your creative minds make beautiful projects with this collection. 


Happy Sewing,


Amanda Mae

Interview with Katy Jones, the Quirky Quilter

Katy Jones is one of our newest members for AGF Limited Edition.  She's fun, quirky, and amazingly talented artist, and these characterists are very present in her new collection, Priory Square.

She is a quilter with a passion for fashion and home-decor. Her joy for quilting started in 2008, but her love for fabric began as a child. Katy currently hosts an entertaining quilting series on The show is a combination of teaching traditional and modern quilting design techniques. Katy's yearning for teaching has led her to author two books with Martingale and contributed to many others, as well as working on the editorial team of a UK based quilting magazine. 

In today's interview, she tells us about her journey as a designer, and where her inspiration for Priory Square stemmed from. We hope you enjoy getting to know the Katy behind the scenes.



Priory Square Swatches_BioPic

1). Why choose Art Gallery Fabrics to launch your first fabric collection? 

I hadn’t especially thought about designing fabric before Pat asked me if I’d be interested. However it was a complete no-brainer, I love Art Gallery Fabrics, the fabric is unlike any other and I love the family that Pat and Walter have created within the company.


2). How does it feel knowing your fabrics are exclusive to the Limited Edition concept, and will only be printed once? 

I don’t think it’s quite sunk in yet. Once I have everything in my hands, and I see them in stores I think it will, but until then it will just feel like a dream. I do feel incredibly honored to be part of the Art Gallery Limited Edition team.


3). How and when did you decide fabric design was something you wanted to do yourself one day?

In my fantasies I’d (of course) dreamed about fabric, but I hadn’t really ever thought I’d design some of my own. I love fabric, I love design, but I didn’t believe I’d be the designer. I can’t imagine anything much more amazing within this industry than to make a quilt from fabric I’ve designed myself. I can actually do this now – it’s a crazy feeling!


4) . If you had to choose one print from Priory Square, which is your favorite and why? 

Oh my gosh – that’s such a tricky question. Well, I have 2 favorites for different reasons. The first is You Are Here, because it’s a map print and I am a sucker for anything with text. Plus, it’s a map of where I first lived when I moved to Yorkshire to go to college. I think this is going to be such a useful print for people. My other favorite is my big collage print, Sunday Clippings. I had so much fun with this print, finding images and creating this collage. This is also going to a voile and I am really looking forward to making dresses from it (and probably some PJ bottoms too).


5) . What are you hoping to translate and offer to fabric lovers with your collection?

I am hoping Priory Square will give people a little taste of England. For those that have never visited, a chance to experience the beautiful countryside, the rich emerald greens, the flowers that bloom everywhere. It’s not all about London buses and red post boxes, this is my England.


6) . Which print was most challenging to create and why? 

The most challenging print, strangely wasn’t in the creation as such, but in deciding what to have as the final print. That was the challenge, and it’s Thru the Wire. I had a total of 9 prints, and 1 had to go, so that was the tricky part. I had to decide which would be the most useful, and Thru the Wire made the grade. It’s a great blender and background print, an alternative to a checkered or gingham. I think it’ll also make a really cool binding.


7). Explain your creative process when designing fabrics from start to finish.

I spent a lot of time looking for images of botanical drawings, of British flowers. I must have picked up every gardening catalog and seed packet. It was a little bit crazy how I became so obsessed with finding the perfect blooms. I did the same with old maps, and visited my local library to look at maps in the area. All of the images were made from photographs or images that were scanned into illustrator and re-drawn, or (in the case of Sunday Clippings) created as a collage by cutting and pasting onto the background. That was the most fun of all the prints to make, it took forever to get everything to sit just right, but I love the scrap book page effect. I had found a colour palette early on that I liked on Pinterest, it was a bunch of flowers and picked out the navy, emerald green and bright pink – those were my starting points and the other colours came in around those. Plus a little gold to make everything look luxe. I love a metallic print. In illustrator the images were re-coloured and re-sized. Some (like clover fields) were enhanced a little, and the shapes played around with to make them more stylized.


8). What other designers, makers or artists do you look up to or inspire your work?

I admire Pat and the way she has created this amazing company with so many talented designers. I love all of the Art Gallery designers, they’re all such talented people and so unique. Outside of AGF my true love is Anna Maria Horner, I adore her aesthetic and her style.


9). How does your line differ from other collections currently in the market?

My collection is mine, it’s my own story and my own life so it’s a reflection of me and me alone. That is what makes it different to the other collections on the market. I’ve tried to think a little outside the box with the designs for the blenders. Like the wire fence print (which is a reminder of the chickens I had as a child at my grandmother’s house), and the rainbow rain print – because rain isn’t all bad, it creates the beautiful lush green landscape of England.


10). What is next for you in 2014?

Quite honestly – I have no clue. I would like a vacation with my family, because we’ve had a pretty roller coaster year. It’s going really great at the minute but we’ve had a few scary bits so, I’m not planning anything new, I’ll take one day at a time.  Although 2015 I will be at QuiltCon, I am teaching classes and hanging out and having fun. I can’t wait for that!




Thank you for stopping by, we hope you enjoyed Katy's interview!


Happy Sewing,


Amanda Mae

Chérie: Fresh Modern With a Hint of Grunge + Giveaway


Bonjour tout le monde,

We are so excited to share this next collection, Chérie, with all of you fabric lovers. We will be hosting another GIVEAWAY to celebrate the release, because we love sharing with you!

Chérie is Frances Newcombe's second collection with AGF. This one is extremely different than her previous, so get ready to escape from Africa (Safari Moon)---to Paris with this romantic collection.

Let's tell you more about this beautiful, fresh new collection!

Chérie is a young, beautiful jet-setter. She's the kind of person who creates a garden in the midst of a city. Fresh, modern, and airy with a hint of grungy romance. 



















We hope you love this free quilt pattern "Printemps Soireé" designed by the talented Frances Newcombe! The AGF team had such a great opportunity to photograph this beautiful quilt in the UK. Isn't it just stunning?


To access the free pattern, just click here! 








Chérie's color palette illustrates a very feminine romantic feel and is a low volume collection, which means it consists of mid tone values (low contrast, white background, light colors). Because of this, the collection is very versatile, it can be both masculine and feminine. 

We hope you are enjoying the beautiful photos from our lookbook!  Make sure to explore more and get instant access to all the patterns featured, just click HERE.






  Winner_Random                                                      -----

                                             CONTEST CLOSED


Congratulations to Crazydougmom on your fat quarter bundle!

Let's get to the other good stuff! We've listed the details below to win a fat quarter bundle of all 20 prints, and it's super easy!

To enter:

  • Explore the Chérie lookbook here, then comment below with the project you'd most like to make from the lookbook.
  • Giveaway ends August 19th at 12pm EST.
  • Winner will be chosen using and announced August on this very post. 

Everyone needs some inspirational photos and our lookbooks are perfect to get your creative mind rolling with multiple projects including fashion, home decor, and quilting!

Thanks for spending time with us, and don't forget we adore seeing your projects, just tag them with #Cheriefabric #ArtgalleryFabrics


Happy Sewing & BONNE CHANCE Á TOUS! 



Amanda Mae