art gallery fabrics
Dinner for Tule: A Table Napkin Tutorial
The Mystic Maxi Skirt

Art Gallery Fabric's Super Duper Instagram Fabric Giveaway!

Ok, so maybe we've gone a little mad around these parts; what with our running wildly in preparation for quilt market, working around the clock for timely arrival of upcoming collections, sewing, designing, painting.. heck--even decoupaging. A stitch or two have come undone, and we're giving away fabric on a scale larger than ever before. Bundles and bundles of it!

This giveaway is a little different in that it takes place solely on Instagram. If you don't follow us there yet, now's the time because we want to reward you for it!


Here's the deal: 




So to break it down just a wee bit more: simply follow us at @artgalleryfabrics, grab the photo above, instagram it, and tag it with #agfbundlegiveaway. 

Alternatively, you can head over to our instagram page, get a screen capture of the photo with your phone and share it on your instagram. Either way you choose to do it is fine by us!


The logistics:

- Once a week we'll choose two winners at random from our instagram followers (ongoing and new).

- Each winner will receive an assorted fat quarter bundle of fabrics!

- Keep your eyes peeled for the mention of your handle (username) because we'll announce it first through instagram.

- Giveaway runs through Oct. 31st

- Spreading the word is encouraged!

So let's get started! We want to see this photo spread wildly through the month of October. We get tons more nice people to interact with on our instagram page, and you get a chance to receive fabric without spending a penny!

If you have any questions at all about entering, please leave them in the comments below. Thanks everyone!
