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Hang it, Charge it: A Pocket For Your Phone
A Look at Your Nördika-made Projects

Tune Tuesday

Happy Tuesday everyone!

I hope you all had a lovely weekend, working on those wonderful sewing machines and starting some great new projects like Friday's Hang it, Charge it! Phone Charging Station. I know I'm definitely going to be making myself one of those for the weekend to come.

For today's Tune Tuesday, we take an exotic journey with a traveling free spirit and join her elegant caravan that boasts vast, glorious treasures from faraway places. Fellow wanderers, I present to you Mystic Traveler, a playlist inspired by the exotic collection by Bari J., Bijoux.

Taken from the envisioned story by Bari J., Bijoux is all about being free, living wild, having fun, and rocking out! "I see her in dancing barefoot in the desert at night with the stars lighting her way." And with this in mind, artists such as Stevie Knicks, Lykke Li, and Haim come to bask in the moonlit sky while the blazing bonfire creates an atmospheric serenity that can only come from being in the open air.

For more music inspired by this collection, check out our Mystic Traveler Spotify playlist!

Feel free to subscribe to the playlist to add your own songs that inspire the free spirit in you or let us know which songs we should add in the comments below!

Until next Tuesday!

From my musical ears to yours,

