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July 2013

Tune Tuesday

Hey friends!

I hope you all have had a lovely weekend crafting and whatnot. This weekend, I dedicated myself to working on some cross-stitching projects, including a cute, little fox and some adorable mushrooms. And it's truly an amazing coincidence because today's Tune Tuesday is brought to you by one of the most adorable collections I have ever beheld, Indian Summer!

With its cute, little forest animals and adorable native influence, I introduce to you the Forest Friends playlist!

Explore the wilderness with this joyful playlist, beaming with the likes of Imagine Dragons, The Lumineers and Arcade Fire. With songs that capture youth, happiness, and sweet indie-folk sounds, Forest Friends will definitely bring a smile to your face and have you think back on the days where you would build forts with bed linens & run around the yard with your friends, playing tag!

For more music inspired by this playful collection, check out our Spotify playlist!

Feel free to subscribe to the playlist to add your own songs that embody youth & carefree fun or let us know which songs we should add in the comments below!

Have a great rest of the week and a Happy 4th of July!

From my musical ears to yours,


And the winners are...

Make it right
Before we announce the winners of the Make it Right challenge I would like to take a moment to thank every single person who entered. The hard work and determination shines through every project. We are humbled by the response and hope to see you ladies enter any future contest we have.

Without further adieu I present the winners...

1st PLACE: Killi Fannin



2nd PLACE: Kathy Jackson*

Kathy* I am sad to report that Kathy Jackson suffered a health complication a little over a week ago and passed away. AGF would like to extend its condolences and prayers to the Jackson family.

3rd PLACE: Helen Ernst



And the winners in the superlative categories are:

2.  Best use of color -  Tumbling Hexies by Ramona Putnam
3.  Best technique - Pillow by Jana O'Brien
4.  Most creative use of thread - Quilted Table Runner by Susan Slusser

Congrats ladies on your win! It was a very tough call between most of the entries. Everyone of you did something so different and so amazing that we really wish we could nominate you all... Would it cheesy to say that you are all winners to us? well you really are!

Congratulations to all the winners. We will contact you within the next couple of days through email to request your information.

Thanks to all the contestants for showing off what the panel can do and the many uses for this type of fabric!


The AGF Team