Fat Quarter Gang - Chevron Valance by Maureen Cracknell Handmade
January 14, 2013
Happy Monday! It's Maureen here again from Maureen Cracknell Handmade! I'm so excited to be sharing my newest Fat Quarter Gang Project with you all today! This time I'm sharing a tutorial for making this pretty Luxe In Bloom Chevron Valance.
We just moved into our very first home, so I am all about sewing up home decor these days! Now let's get started!!
What you'll need :
- 6 - fat quarters of Sarah Watson's gorgeous Luxe In Bloom
- Coordinating Thread
- Rotary Cutter/Mat/Ruler measuring 6" in width
- Spring Tension Curtain Rod
* Note * - This tutorial will make two - 24" valances from Six Fat Quarters. For a Valance measuring 36", at step #15 simply add an 8" x 22" piece of fabric to each side, instead of 2" x 22".
Cutting and Piecing the Fabrics : :
1. Using five of the six prints and a rotary cutter, quilting ruler, and cutting mat, cut two strips from each fabric measuring 3" x 22"
2. Using a 1/2" seam allowance, sew these strips together to make two rectangles measuring 11" x 22"
3. Press well with all seams open
Cutting on the Diagonal : :
4. Working with one of the pieces of striped fabrics, place your cutting ruler over your work at an angle positioned from the top left corner running 4" out from the bottom of the fabrics (pic 1) and trim away (pic 2)
5. Without moving the ruler and using the 6"width of the ruler, trim away the fabric on the opposite side (pic 3)
6. Keeping that angle trim away a second piece (pic 4)
7. Square up these two pieces to measure 6" x 11.5"
8. Repeat these steps with the second piece of striped fabrics, but this time trim from the top right side at an angle leading out to 4" at the bottom
9. Continue following the same steps until you have two pieces cut to measure 6" x 11.5" from this side. You'll have four pieces total now, two with a diagonal running down from the left and two from the right
Piecing the Chevron : :
10. Using one of each angled piece of fabric, place with right sides together (pic 1) Pin, sew, and press seams open (pic 2) to create one chevron piece
11. Repeat this with the remaining two angled pieces (pic 3)
12. Sew those two chevron pieces together (pic 4)
Adding the Border Fabrics : :
13. Using the final, sixth fat quarter, cut one piece measuring 4" x 22" and one piece measuring 5" x 22"
14. Add the 5" piece to the top of your chevron fabric piece and the 4" piece to the bottom. Trim to measure one 18" x 22" piece
15. Cut two 2" x 22" (for a 24" valance or two 8" x 22" for a 36" valance) Pin and sew those to each side of your work, pressing seams open
Hemming and Finishing : :
16. Hem all four sides, beginning with the top and bottom first, by folding each edge in 1/4", pressing, folding over 1/4" again, pinning and sewing along the inner folded edges
17. Once the hemming is finished, with the wrong side of your work facing up, fold the top edge down 2" and press (pic 1). Pin this fold in place and sew along the bottom edge (pic 2) and top edge (pic 3)
18. Add your Spring Tension Curtain Rod and pick your window!
These were made for our kitchen windows and we love them! From morning until dusk the light gleams thru like beautiful stained glass, illuminating Sarah's gorgeous designs! And, in the evening the lovely colors that make up this fabric collection really shine!
Feel free to share on my Facebook page or in my Maureen Cracknell Handmade Flickr group too!
♥, Maureen
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Enjoy and happy sewing!