art gallery fabrics
Soulful Eyes.
Stripwork Skirt Tutorial

Fat Quarter Gang - Improv Rail Fence Block by Sukie Don't You Know Who I Am?


Hey everyone! This is Amy aka Sukie from Don’t’ You Know Who I Am?

Today, I’m showing you how to use your lovely Art Gallery Solids to make an improve rail fence block.  Start thinking of projects you can make with the blocks like a pillow, mug rugs, or even a quilt.  My blocks are in a mini quilt that I’ve made for my daughter, Pepper and her stuff animals.




4x4 construction paper (I used 9 squares, my block is 3x3 and the unfinished block is 11x11)

Scraps measuring 1” to 1.5” x 5” (My scraps were made up of Pure Elements)

Image 2

Constructing blocks:

Step 1:

Randomly, take one of your scraps and put it on your 4x4 construction paper.

Step 2.1

*I started from the center and worked my way out but you could just start left to right or vice versa*

Step 2:

Sew the scrap to the 4x4 block with a ¼” seam

Step 2.2
*Since this is a improve block don’t worry about the scrap being straight.  Wonky = good

Step 3:

Press your scrap

Step 3
*It’s important to press since you’re working with small scraps*

Step 4:  Randomly grab your next scrap piece and sew the scrap to the pressed scrap with a ¼“ seam

Step 4
Step 5: 

Keep sewing scraps to your paper foundation.

Step 6:  Once you’ve complete covering the 4x4 piece of paper you’ll need to trim your blocks.

Step 5
Flip the block over so right sides are facing your mat.  Then take a rotary cutter and your ruler and line it up with the block to trim.

Step 7: Continue steps 1 -6 until you reach your desired amount of blocks.

Step 8:  Arrange your blocks in a rail fence order. Basically you’ll alternate the direction of the “rails” every other block with the rails in the vertical position. Sew the “rails” together and then sew the rows together.

Step 8 (2)
*Press your seams open*

Step 9: Trim your block to 11x11

I took my blocks and added some strips around it and finished it off with a dark negative space to make the block pop.

Step 8
Hope your enjoyed my block tutorial.  I would love to see different projects posted
in the Flickr group

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Giveaway open until December 7th.

See ya next week,

<3 Your AGF team
