Today I'm joining the 50's club and I have a strange mix of feelings. I don't know what to think: if I am already old, if I'm still young --this thing they say that "these days 50's are the old 40's". You may have experienced it already.
Going over my life in my mind as a film rolls at the movies, I could see how many things I went through and how happy and grateful I am about everything I've achieved!
For this occasion thought that a blog post had to have something different about me. Told myself: "Pat, you better come out with something special to share"!
Hope you like it.
I was born in Argentina, this same day 50 years ago
I still feel like 25
My parents divorced 26 years ago. I never saw my father again, so I don't know if he's still alive
My mother taught me how important is to love your family and your sewing machine. As I grew up I realized how right she was. She is 84 and lives with me as well as my only sister, the best one a person can have
My father taught me how important is to love dogs. He also taught me to hunt. These days I love dogs but I hate hunting
I moved to the US 22 years ago
Never knew what a quilt was until I came to live here
My original hair color is dark blond and now white hair is rampant, so I use extra light brown to color it
I met my husband Walter when we were both 20 and we fell in love immediately
Since then we are together for the good and the bad
Always thought that I could not have found a better husband than him
We got married at 23
I still drool over him :-0
My only son Alex is the best son a mother can have
I suffer from Endometriosis
So I had to have four years of treatments before I became pregnant
I lost one pregnancy before and another one after him
Alex came to this world through C-section, because I didn't dilate more than 3 cm
He had Wilms tumor when he was 9. After a year of chemotherapy the cancer disappeared
I think I was born with a special gene in my body. The "sewing" gene. I sew since I can remember
Also love to cook since I can remember. My first cooking book was a present from my mom for my 7th birthday
My first year married I cooked 365 different meals for Walter. Bad thing. He gained 45 pounds
I lived in 3 countries during a same year
I am 5'4" tall and weight 138 pounds
OK... I confess: I am a procrastinator! This thing of "Don't leave for tomorrow what you can do today" doesn't go with me. I prefer to wait till tomorrow
My family call me the handywoman of the house. I can paint walls as well as installing an entire tile floor on the kitchen or bathroom
Many years ago I learned that for the chinese people roosters symbolize harmony in the family. I love them. That's why I began collecting many in all sizes and materials
Because I'm so fortunate in life, every day I wake up thinking how much good I can make to the people around me
HATE to exercise. I'm a couch potato at heart
LOVE to read. I can lay down an entire day reading and having Dulce de Leche Häagen-Dazs
I am a perfume compulsive buyer. Never use the same fragrance everyday. For me, it's a mood thing
My favorite color is... of course... PINK!!
And my favorite flower a peony
I am a history junkie. Favorite readings: royal biographies. More than 300 books on the subject are sitting on shelves at my house
Still can't speak and write 100% perfect english; people say I do it very good. I don't know why but I feel embarrassed by that. I would love to speak more slang
All my life I was an admirer of Coco Chanel, but if I have to confess, the designer that inspired me the most was and still is Kenzo. He changed my vision of fashion and print fabrics forever...
I could never get up early. It's a great effort to do it. It seems that my body clock did not come well set from the factory. My ideal day would begin if I wake up at 12 noon. At night I feel is the best time of the day. That's why I design complete collections at night. My senses awaken and the best of me comes alive --or this is what I think, 'cause everybody is sleeping and can't see it :)
The first time I made a quilt 20 years ago I didn't have an absolute idea of what I was doing. Hell no! Everything I know today I learned myself. Trial and error were my friends
Should I introduce you other friends I have: quilting books!. I learned so much from them
I LOVE quilting, but never thought that would be that much and that I would become so obsessive about perfect piecing
I came to this industry hand painting fabric panels during my period of landscape quilter. Because I couldn't find specific colors in stores I decided to paint my own. All my quilting friends told me they would love to buy them at quilt shows. The first panel I sold at a quilt show in Dallas was "a moment I'd never forget". Selling panels to award-winner quilter David Tailor made me feel like I was in heaven
Years ago, never thought that I was gonna design fabrics. Now I can't imagine my life without designing
Neither that I was gonna work with my husband as my partner
I have cried after working a lot of time on a collection and didn't come out the way I wanted
I have pulled out the hair of my head too. Well... almost
Is there a color freak? That's me! Thanks Pantone :)
When I start designing, a color palette always comes first. That triggers a mood and... the name of the collection draws in my mind very vividly
For me, drawing was a long journey of personal evolution. Designing fabrics walk the same path
One of the best designers and master of color for me is Kaffe Fassett. The first time I met Kaffe I couldn't believe my eyes! He came to my booth to shake my hand and congratulate me on my designs; I was sooo excited but he didn't realize that my knees were shaking too...
I LOVE to be connected with you in here. Many people say that a blog shouldn't be written only to expect comments. I don't think so. Every time I write a post I wait with excitement to read yours!
I just wanted to update you on whats happening @ The Studio. We have been making renovations, adding color, cutting fabric, laughing and really working hard to make an awesome studio that promotes creativity. Some of you that follow us on Facebook (and if you don’t, shame on you!) have seen some of our behind the scenes shots…. That’s what you get for LIKING us!
Once we are done we will post pics… promise!!
Since we made the renovations during the Holidays we weren’t able to get the festive décor out BUT we super excited to be adding some DIY projects and challenges for 2012... YES we said challenges…. So get those sewing machines ready!
Walter and I founded this company some years ago 100% from scratch. We believe that to become better persons we have to project ourselves through hard work and moral values, like honesty and generosity; for us family is number one --I'm sure all of you can relate to this!
We translate this values from our personal lives to our company, loving and puting our passion in everything we do.
Art Gallery Fabrics want to wish everyone a very Happy Holidays!! We hope that you get all that you need and more of what you want this season and a healthy and prosperous 2012!
Did I say I was going to close the giveaway on Friday? OOOOOPSSSS!!! My bad. I completely forgot... Well, actually more people got the chance to enter during the weekend :)
Loved and read ALL the comments. Thank you so very much and CONGRATS TO THE WINNERS!
Roll the drums...
1st prize
Cheers to:
Kristin said...
"Love them all, but have to go with purple as its my favorite colour. Thanks very much."
Kristin, you won a complete purple version kit (fabrics + pattern). Congrats!!
2nd prize
Cheers to
Kitty said...
"Great skirt! Love them all, maybe a slight preference for the Coquette version. FB friend and longtime admirer of your creative genius"
Kitty, you won a pattern. Congrats!!
3rd prize
Cheers to
Tamie said...
"I'd go with the pink and grey one."
Tamie, you won a pattern. Congrats!!
So please don't forget to EMAIL ME YOUR ADDRESS at [email protected]
I must apologize for my looong absence on this blog! A lot has happened in the past few weeks, including my trip to my native Argentina, an expansion of our warehouse/offices, and the usual juggling between fabric design, pattern design, quilt design, you know the drill!
So, I know the girls in the AGF team kept you guys posted on some of the stuff going on here, especially the thing I'm most excited about right now; the BO PEEP SKIRT PATTERN!
I love this pattern and I'm sure you will too!! Featuring double layers & gathering detail on the side, this flirty high-waisted skirt is as easy to wear as it is to make!
The skirt has a zipper on the back of the waist. I thought that because many of you could be a zipper first-timer, a very detailed section with many pictures it's included. Isn't that cool?
You know my CD patterns, they come in a CD containing more than 40-page PDF file with detailed diagrams and step by step hi-resolution pictures. And don't forget that the real size templates are included.
I'm so in love with this skirt! We shot this reaaally cool video promo and I wanna share it with all of you!
What fabric combination do you like most?
This pattern will be available at your local quilt shop next week... but... if you tell me which one is your fave right now you could be taking home THE BO PEEP PATTERN + the FABRIC to make it in your favorite combination free!!!!
Other two winners will be taking the pattern as well (so, 3 winners!)... don't miss the chance!
I'll close the giveaway this Friday this 16th, and will choose the winners randomly.
Oh, and have you stopped by my Facebook Page?? "Like" it and let me know for a double chance on the giveaway, yay!
fab here. i'm extremely happy is finally friday! (bet I'm not the only one)
let me tell you a lil' bit about what we've been up to this week: so the thing is, Pat is coming up with this pattern. it's called the "Bo Peep skirt", and it's one of my personal favorites!
actually this pattern started loooong ago (like... a year and somethin'), when we first got the Modern Affair line. this was the first prototype:
then we decided to drop the scallops and make a few more changes. it transformed into this, which we presented for the first time in Houston 2010 as part of our Paradise dreamboard:
and finally, it morphed into this:
so now that is ready to hit the market, we shot this cool video as the promo, with me starring the whole thing, haha! here's a couple of backstage pics: