Photoshootin' around town.
November 17, 2011
As you saw in my last post, we presented this awesome quilt in Pat's showroom, and it got preeetty good reception... many requests for the pattern/kit, so we decided to basically go for it! The kit will be out soon, but the pattern is already available and guess what?? It's a FREEBIE! (yay!)
But yeah, every quilt deserves a great photshoot that does it justice. And since there's nothing I love more than photoshoots, I didn't complain when Pat asked me and the team to take some nice pics of the Modernology quilt; QUILTOLOGY.
I will reveal the final product soon, but here's a lil' behind-the-scenes shots so you can check out the quilt in all its glory, haha.
This time we headed to downtown Miami cause we wanted to give QUILTOLOGY a modern, urban look...
What do you guys think?? Makes you wanna quilt? Maybe this flat shot of the finished quilt right here will do the trick:
Don't you just L.O.V.E the colors?? I do!
Stay tuned for the final shots and the VIDEOOOO!