art gallery fabrics
Photoshootin' around town.
The AGF Team Talks: Meet KAT.


Here at Art Gallery Fabrics we believe that quilting is not just "the sewing method done to join two or more layers of material together to make a thicker padded material". We believe quilting is an artform, which requires discipline, practice, and of course some experimentation. Learning to master the art of quilting makes you more than a quilter; it makes you a QUILTOLOGIST.

So we came up with this fun term one day and we started talking about what kinds of "quiltologists" are out there; so we're starting off by presenting the URBAN QUILTOLOGIST. This quiltologist is all about modern, clean, high-contrast, bright colored quilts and just overall tons of fun! 

We went around town shooting the campaign for the QUILTOLOGY quilt and made this fun little video... check it out!

So, what kind of QUILTOLOGIST are you?? We'd love to hear!


