Going crazy for LA Fashion!
October 05, 2011
For the past couple of weeks I have been extremely busy having 22 hour workdays. Yes, no sleep and a lot of stress, but at the end I know it will all pay off. My amazing team and I are going to the LA Textile Show this weekend for the first time! We are extremely excited and super stressed, all at the same time! We will be located at Penthouse A-Wing & B-Wing, Booth #2001. I would love to show you all my new collections designed for fashion! If you are planning to go to LA textile, don't be shy! Come by and say hi!
In case you did not know I'm introducing a new substrate, VOILE! Yes, we are moving into fashion! I am super excited! Moving into a different industry is one of the biggest steps I have ever made in my career. Every step you make in life means change and challenge, but I love challenges and the passion that drives me makes that everything work out for the best.
And yes... don't worry, these fabrics will be available for the quilting industry too, so I'll be showing them at Quilt Market...
Now you have an idea at how hectic my life is right now. Between my new fabrics collections, new quilting patterns, new kits with the new fabrics, the LA textile Show, Quilt Market in Texas, photo-shoots and much more, I'm surprised I don't have fumes coming out of my ears! Someone once asked me, "How do you do it all?" My answer.. "I simply Love what I do"!
Since this is our first time going to LA Textile, I thought it would be a great idea to give you all a sneak peek at what we're going to be showing...
Hmmm... I wonder what can that be?!?!
What's going on here?!? ... I don't know :)
Here's Vicky having a blast. She was the best team player. I have to say she was strong enough to brave the Miami heat.
Vicky came out amazing in this image. It was pretty hard to decide what picture was the best. I think we found a new super model.
I hope you enjoyed my little sneak peek at what we will be showing at LA. I promise to bring back lots of great pictures of fabrics and fabrics galore! If you decide to come, keep in mind that LA Fashion will be October 10-12 at the California Market Center. See you there :)