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June 2011

Dear Sheebo

And you left. You left me, you left us empty handed. With your sad eyes and waggling your tail (and without knowing), you walked with the doctor who took you to a room where you were given that fatal shot that ended your life. We were all crying, but with the understanding that there was no way to prolong your life. Dr. Sessa - the best and more human veterinarian you can find in this world, told us your kidneys didn't work anymore and (after 14 years), your back legs no longer held you still. He did his best during the last 2 years but said that at this point it was painful for you; so with Walter we decided: enough. 

During the last 14 years you, dear Sheebo, gave us more that we could ever imagined:

  • pure happiness, 
  • pure joy, 
  • pure loyalty, 
  • pure honesty,
  • pure innocence,
  • pure benevolence,
  • pure bravery,
  • pure compassion,
  • pure contentment,
  • pure cooperation,
  • pure empathy,
  • pure generosity, 
  • pure gratitude,
  • pure kindness,
  • pure obedience,
  • pure serenity,
  • pure comradeship,
  • pure goodness,
  • pure nobility,
  • pure friendship,

and you showed us how little you needed to be happy in our family… a little food, a little water, a small petting, and to let you lay down close to us. 

I have your ashes now, and they will rest on our backyard where you were so happy running around… Don't worry. We'll not be apart. Like a family, always together.

I thank you Sheebo, you were the best dog I ever had. And you know, I said this without fearing all my other dogs think I'm a hypocrite. You really were.

I MISS you. I LOVE you and always will.




Inspirational Booklets!

I came to this conclusion and let's see if you agree with me: there are two kinds of sewers and quilters in this world; the ones who spot a piece of fabric and already imagined 1,000 things to make with it, and the ones who love that piece of fabric but don't reaaally know what for! Are you like "I CAN'T LIVE WITHOUT this fabric but... what do I actually do with it?" Did it ever happen to you? Believe me, you are not alone!

That's why at Quilt Market I introduced these things I like to call "INSPIRATIONAL BOOKLETS". They're this cute little boards filled with ideas for quilting, decor, fashion, and children projects! Cool right?

Here's a preview:


See? From a bib for your baby to an entire quilt!

Now if you find these kinda cool, here's the coolest part: you can actually download them to your computer! Just click here and you got your passport to a ton of fresh new ideas!

I really hope this is helpful to you guys when you need to give your creativity a little jumpstart ;)




Come chat with me!

I was so honored when Diane from asked me to be a guest on their "Expert Chat"! 

The Expert Chats basically consist of someone in the industry coming to the chatroom for an hour to answer all your questions about the topic of the day...

The chat will be live on Wednesday June the 22nd at 1PM Eastern Time (10 AM Pacific, 11 AM Mountain, Noon Central), where you can ask me everything you want to know about DESIGNING FABRIC... (but please have mercy lol)

We'll also talk about projects, patterns, and much more!

You are all invited to join, we'll have fun!


Make sure you go here to enter the chat room if you already have an account with Pattern Review.

If you aren't registered on the site, all you have to do is go here and get a free account.

Meet you there!




It's so easy to get carried away by the zillions of beautiful pictures there are out there, floating around in this crazy thing called Internet!

There are some so gorgeous you almost want to dive into the screen and just live in that picture, that moment. Makes me dream... Some times I get really frustrated because I don't find enough time throughout the day to absorb all the beauty I see.

Today, some of the "Pinkspiration" I use when I design and I'd love to share with you!


















And like my girl Audrey Hepburn said... I believe in Pink!

Dream and get inspired...



The Beauty of the Simple.


Sometimes we are under the impression that when it comes to decor, more is more. More color, more ruffles, more flowers, more this, more that. But it's also important to find and appreciate the beauty that relies on the simplicity of things.

Today, keep it simple and the true beauty of your creations will shine through.




Behind the scenes...

It wasn't long ago when I presented my new sewing pattern on DVD The Boho Dress. If you bought it, you can see the nice and professional side of it: great edition, beautiful transitions, me explaining all chapters in detail...

But I also want to show you the other side. Now it's time for you to have fun looking at the "behind the scenes" pictures we took, knowing that would make you laugh to see all the oops and ohhhs that happened during filming. I laughed a lot choosing them because each one has a little story to tell... 



Lovely Angie choosing decoration to make the set look its best


I couldn't resist to put many quilts and pillows in my favorite colors... The flower didn't want to stay straight, so Angie was making it behave


Two lovely ladies, Fabiana and Daisy! Fab was in charge of the sound and even if we persuaded Daisy to go to another room, she kept coming back. Looks like she's interested in all the buzz...


But also Fab was my hairdresser... I was so concentrated trying to remember everything


Angie couldn't stop laughing because we had to repeat the scene so many times


Going over some notes on my IPad. I was really fearful to make mistakes... 


This is one of the scenes taken from one side. Silence was paramount!


Does Angie look tired? Well, she really was!


My son Alex retrieving one file. Do I look worried? Just look at my face!


Checking light and sound


At the end, she was also tired...


Talking about some details with my lovely assistant Victoria, who is a Fashion Designer and helped me with the technical writing of the pattern I designed.


Having a break and chatting with the girls. This DVD video was so much fun to make!

A still image of one of the scenes

It was an incredible amount of work mixed with an incredible amount of love...

My big thanks to all my team including the sweet Kathy, that even if you didn't see her in these pictures was in charge of all the edition and animation!!

It is a very flattering and easy dress to make, and it has had a warm welcome among the sewing community (happy designer here). The Boho Dress pattern is now available nationwide at your local quilt shop and online


