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Dear Sheebo

And you left. You left me, you left us empty handed. With your sad eyes and waggling your tail (and without knowing), you walked with the doctor who took you to a room where you were given that fatal shot that ended your life. We were all crying, but with the understanding that there was no way to prolong your life. Dr. Sessa - the best and more human veterinarian you can find in this world, told us your kidneys didn't work anymore and (after 14 years), your back legs no longer held you still. He did his best during the last 2 years but said that at this point it was painful for you; so with Walter we decided: enough. 

During the last 14 years you, dear Sheebo, gave us more that we could ever imagined:

  • pure happiness, 
  • pure joy, 
  • pure loyalty, 
  • pure honesty,
  • pure innocence,
  • pure benevolence,
  • pure bravery,
  • pure compassion,
  • pure contentment,
  • pure cooperation,
  • pure empathy,
  • pure generosity, 
  • pure gratitude,
  • pure kindness,
  • pure obedience,
  • pure serenity,
  • pure comradeship,
  • pure goodness,
  • pure nobility,
  • pure friendship,

and you showed us how little you needed to be happy in our family… a little food, a little water, a small petting, and to let you lay down close to us. 

I have your ashes now, and they will rest on our backyard where you were so happy running around… Don't worry. We'll not be apart. Like a family, always together.

I thank you Sheebo, you were the best dog I ever had. And you know, I said this without fearing all my other dogs think I'm a hypocrite. You really were.

I MISS you. I LOVE you and always will.



