Behind the scenes...
June 02, 2011
It wasn't long ago when I presented my new sewing pattern on DVD The Boho Dress. If you bought it, you can see the nice and professional side of it: great edition, beautiful transitions, me explaining all chapters in detail...
But I also want to show you the other side. Now it's time for you to have fun looking at the "behind the scenes" pictures we took, knowing that would make you laugh to see all the oops and ohhhs that happened during filming. I laughed a lot choosing them because each one has a little story to tell...
Lovely Angie choosing decoration to make the set look its best
I couldn't resist to put many quilts and pillows in my favorite colors... The flower didn't want to stay straight, so Angie was making it behave
Two lovely ladies, Fabiana and Daisy! Fab was in charge of the sound and even if we persuaded Daisy to go to another room, she kept coming back. Looks like she's interested in all the buzz...
But also Fab was my hairdresser... I was so concentrated trying to remember everything
Angie couldn't stop laughing because we had to repeat the scene so many times
Going over some notes on my IPad. I was really fearful to make mistakes...
This is one of the scenes taken from one side. Silence was paramount!
Does Angie look tired? Well, she really was!
My son Alex retrieving one file. Do I look worried? Just look at my face!
At the end, she was also tired...
Talking about some details with my lovely assistant Victoria, who is a Fashion Designer and helped me with the technical writing of the pattern I designed.
Having a break and chatting with the girls. This DVD video was so much fun to make!
A still image of one of the scenes
It was an incredible amount of work mixed with an incredible amount of love...
My big thanks to all my team including the sweet Kathy, that even if you didn't see her in these pictures was in charge of all the edition and animation!!
It is a very flattering and easy dress to make, and it has had a warm welcome among the sewing community (happy designer here). The Boho Dress pattern is now available nationwide at your local quilt shop and online.