art gallery fabrics
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June 2009


Today I want to share with you some pictures I got from a shop in Texas, LaTeeDas & OohLaLas! She sent them to Walter a while ago, but you know how hectic my life is... ugh! (I'm enjoying every minute though). I been meaning to post them, so they're finally here. 

The e-mail said:

I just wanted to share some photos of your fabric in my store.  The buzz has started that I now carry fabric and so far everyone absolutely loves your fabric.

Notice that one of my front windows is all Art Gallery Fabric.  It is so eye catching.   

My first ad ran yesterday and it has started people coming in for fabric. 

Thank you so much.


This is her store and it looks absolutely gorgeous (specially because its filled with my fabrics!!) Nooo, really? Just kidding! :)
Please notice the aprons on the window and inside the store... Aren't they adorable? Her merchandise display is a clear example of how "actual products or samples" can really help sewers and quilters get more innovative everyday... Always want to help you get more and more ideas for your next project...
I really appreciate your support and admire your drive and creativity, Lyric. Thank you!
I hope you enjoyed it and If you, like her, have any pictures you want to share, don't hesitate... join my Flickr Group because I would love to see them and I'm sure everyone else would love to see them too!

Handmade rocks... So keep on stitching!

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Perros 003

Since my old German Shepherd SCOTT died last January, I could not recover from a feeling of emptiness and sadness. He was 13; an amazing dog, perfect in any sense for his breed. My 12 years old Chocolate Lab SHEEBO still misses him.

Perros 012

Walter and I immediately knew that we needed a new dog, and Sheebo would not feel lonely again. But we were undecided between buying a pure breed or adopting one. Walt told me to wait a little because we have to work all day and the task to train a new puppy is not an easy one.

After many months and everything going on at the new studio, I thought that it was the perfect opportunity to bring a pup home to start raising him. We are also re-arranging the house: rooms, furniture, etc. I said to Walt: "it's now or never"!

So, we went to the North Miami Beach Humane Society, and one sweet and timid puppy among many gained our hearts... here is my new daughter DAISY!


Isn't she the sweetest thing on earth? She is half Chinese Shar-Pei and I don't know what other half, but I couldn't care less. It was love at first sight!



She is so sweet, that we thought the name would fit perfect... my DAISY..

Our house is back to life again --well, HELLLLPP with the pi-pis and poo-poos!--; everything is happiness, new tricks, new pranks... We still miss our beautiful SCOTT, but the pain is a bit less.

One thing, though: because I have to keep an eye on her all day, she has to watch me quilting and sewing at my new studio in her new corner. She seems delighted...



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Everything is falling in place.


As you can see flooring and walls are finished. Remember that dark room? What did I choose to make such a change?

For the walls and trimming: Ralph Lauren Paint "Vintage Masters Collection" in these two colors below. Love this lemony green for the walls! It makes me feel in heaven, truly floating in air...

Image (26) 

For the flooring: the easy, easy, EASY TO CLEAN and elegant Pergo "Prestige August Oak". It's creamy, but with some warm character.

Now, the hard part begins: arrange the furniture (all IKEA: fresh, modern and clean) and move back all the computer equipment, books, bolts of fabrics, sewing machines, and so, and so, and SO.... OMG! I will never finish!!!!

Well, let me have a "couple" of days to put everything together and show you my finished world (I call it like that because this is where I spent MOST of the day). And MOST means ALL DAY!

See you soon,

Love, Patricia

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Today is a sad day for me. Lots of things are going through my mind, like a tornado:

  • My mom is a little bit sick in Argentina, and I'm not there to go with her to the doctor. She is 82, struggling with her hip and she's in a lot of pain to walk.
  • I am in my days; and with 47, only imagine. There are a lot of symptoms new for me.
  • It's raining like crazy for 9 days nonstop here. I don't remember in my 6 years living in Florida so much rain together... Hey Miami! What is going on?
  • Today everybody left the room that soon will be my designing studio. My sister took her office and move it to her bedroom (her place is going to explode of things, what a m-e-s-s). My son Alex took his computers, gaming, guitars, drums and college books to his room too. His place is exploding, like my sister's!


The den is empty now...

I feel terribly guilty, because I didn't want they HAVE to go away... I am going to miss all the chit-chat with Alex when he hung up with his friends and they were playing with his band of rock. Songs that he sang for me; songs that I love and made me dance while I was sewing. Also will miss my sister coming from Bloomingdale's and preparing all kind of papers for the bridal's department and talking and worrying to meet the plans and budgets she has been given (she's the manager). 


And I say to myself; Patricia, are you dumb? You are preparing everything to get the design studio of your dreams and you feel guilty? I try to cancel the word sad from my mind every time it appears. But like every other human being, some days I wake up like... down.

This is how I feel now: sad, guilty... I look at the rooms now and all I can see is emptiness. Yesterday was joy and happiness because we decided with Walter to make it now, because we are in between collections and shows. But today is loneliness.



And I miss my mom... she's the best. Did I tell you that she's coming next month? I'll feel better when she's here with me. I will call her tomorrow to see how she did with the doctor.


Tomorrow I'm sure I'll feel much better (will have to start to get used to all this space for me alone). Many decisions have to be made in the morning, many plans. Shopping for furniture, floors (in the afternoon the come to install it). Colors for paint, and... the inspiration board! In fact, now that I'm writing this I'm starting to feel a bit better. This thing of talking to you through my blog is such a nice feeling and your comments will make me feel better too.

I have so many things to plan...

Planning for the future, always planning nice and better things...


With love,


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I have to tell you this to all of you, because I am exploding with happiness, joy and excitement.... My new designing studio is underway!

It was a dream for a long time caressed; but for a thing or for another one, I've always postponed it...


Sorry for the pictures that are so dark. I don't know if because today it's the first day of hurricane season, but was pouring... and the sky was almost black!


What was bothering me more was that my original studio was turning out to be small (14' by 22') and I had to take a contiguous room that is joined by a hallway.


This another room was working as: den, library, watching tv, small office for my sister and --on top of all this--, like rock band singing place + computer gaming place + hanging with his friend place + for my son Alex. I didn't want to steel their place, but I hadn't any other choice.


My plan calls for the new room to be the designing studio with computers, many tables, bookcases for magazines, fabrics, and a big inspiration wall ... (ahh... I'm dreaming sooo many beautiful things for it... My existing studio will function as sewing quarters with also many tables, my sewing machines, and a floor to ceiling designing wall to layout all my quilts!! Yippie!!

Let me show you a little bit of my place now; it looks very messy....


I know, fabrics everywhere... what else?


It was really small and needed an update...


I keep my solid threads in one station...


This is the station for my variegated ones and some metallics...


My quilting and sewing books have a special place, but soon will have a new one. Yes!


Today we start by removing all the bookcases with my regular books, and furniture....


And moving everything to the formal living room, that it's huge!


Now it looks like it's Miami again... sunny!

This picture below is a closet in between the two rooms. I think I'll need to put some order here too...


All my magazines that will go into my new designing room for tons of inspiration!


Well, of course that I will keep you posted with everything that follows... I'm now thinking about the color of the walls and furniture. A very light citrus green, birch wood flooring and off-white bookcases and desks. What do you think? Can you help me here? I'm undecided yet.... and I have to go shopping for all that. I would love your opinions!

See to you later...


Handmade rocks... so let's keep on stitching!


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